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New Home CommunitiesCalifornia & Arizona

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Showing20 Communities
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new home community in el doardo hills ca
Charming, serene living by mountain park lands and pristine, open Sonoran desert
Nestled at the Base of the San Tan Mountains
  • 4 Beds
  • 2.5 - 3.5 Baths
  • 2,812 - 3,550 SQ FT
  • 3 Garages
  • 2 RV Garages
Now Selling!
new home community in waddell, az by elliott homes
Charming, serene living by by mountain park lands and pristine, open Sonoran desert
  • 3 - 4 Beds
  • 2.5 - 3.5 Baths
  • 2,016 - 3,028 SQ FT
new homes for sale in fair oaks, ca by elliott homes
Rich in Amenities
new homes in yuma, az
RV Homes Available!
  • 3 - 4 Beds
  • 2 - 3.5 Baths
  • 1,781 - 2,747 SQ FT
new homes for sale in el dorado hills, ca by elliott homes
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Homes Starting in the High $500s
Now Selling!
  • 3 - 5 Beds
  • 2.5 - 4.5 Baths
  • 2,360 - 4,137 SQ FT
new homes for sale in waddell az by elliott homes
High quality master planned community at the edge of the White Tank Mountains!

About the California & Arizona Area

For warm weather, sunny days, endless attractions and the opportunity to live in luxury at an exclusive Elliott Homes community, look no further than California and Arizona. While the lifestyles and experiences offered in each state may differ, you can’t go wrong choosing between the two. 

California has some of the most breathtaking natural surroundings in the United States, whether you’re on the beach, in the mountains or hiking through a dense forest. The populous metropolitan areas like Sacramento and Lodi feature a mild year round climate, robust economies, historic landmarks and an overall high quality of life. 

Southeast of the Golden State in Arizona, homeowners enjoy a fair cost of living, thriving cultural attractions and vibrant cities. Although the stunning landscape in Arizona differs from their neighbors, it’s still just as beautiful and unique. Phoenix is ideal for those wanting to live in a bustling metropolitan area, while Yuma’s population comes in at 100,000 people―not too big, not too small and still teeming with activities and amenities. 

Both states have thriving arts communities, restaurants serving local, regional and international favorites, friendly neighbors and plenty of things to do. Whether you choose to plant your roots in Arizona or California, you can rest assured knowing that Elliott Homes has a new-construction home that’s perfect for your family’s needs and wants.


5 Years of 0% Interest with Elliott Financing at Saratoga and Manzanita

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